The cryptocurrency system & the Money system | Stream of Consciousness #7

Yoan Ribeiro
2 min readApr 26, 2021


Photo by Executium on Unsplash

A little stream of consciousness, it’s been a while, far too long, to be honest.

Am I still the only one that does not trust the current cryptocurrency “system”? I am under the impression they're new currencies and in the end, it’s mainly a shift to virtual money, granted, I didn’t dig much into the whole system that deep. (If you have compelling resources about the subject I am all for it!) The difference, or rather the killer feature as they say in the Startup World, is transferring the power to the people. It’s the people who give the currencies their value (again from the little I read about it).

Don’t get me wrong the idea seems great (not bulletproof since organizations or those with power will always find a way to get back on top and control the value of these currencies) we are distributing the power to more people but we still rely on the money concept.

I would be much more interested in eradicating the concept of money and work on something else. Even though it takes every ounce of reason to go against the biases and conceive of such a thing. I guess most will call it a utopian thought, getting rid of money. In this lifetime? I don’t think it’s possible, since it’s completely ingrained in Human Society like we were born with it.

For crying out loud, we spend our lives working miserably for it. Now, imagine if you said to someone:

Mate, you don’t need money anymore. It’s over you can spend your life however you want”

Yeah, people would call you crazy at least…

Money served us well, and I would like to point out that it isn’t bad, but the overall system and how we, Humans, behave because of it would have to change drastically for it to be more harmonious for all of us.

Well, money is just part of a bigger whole, isn’t it? It feeds the system that is our Human Society, if money needs to go many other things would have to go too. But, I guess we’re not ready for that conversation…

Maybe another time 🙃

Let me know what you think about all of this, are you an avid believer in crypto? What do you think about the money system and how much does it affect our Society?

Here is another stream of consciousness, please let me know what you think and tell me what is also going on in your life, so it might also help you process. 🙏🏼



Yoan Ribeiro
Yoan Ribeiro

Written by Yoan Ribeiro

Fulltime learner | Internet guy | Novice designer & photographer | Food lover | Software Engineer | Aspiring Coach

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